Custom seeds from Umbraco to Enterspeed
When you install the Enterspeed Umbraco package on an existing site with content, media, and dictionary items, you should do a full seed to ingest all the data into Enterspeed. This is simple with just a click of a button.
But what if you change a hostname for a subsite or update your code to include additional properties for your media items? How do you re-seed the affected nodes without doing a full re-seed?
With version 2.4.0 it’s now possible to select specific nodes you would like to re-seed, being all media items only, a specific content node with or without it’s descending nodes or specific dictionary items.
It’s even possible to clear the queue of seeded items if you accidentally seeded the wrong items.
Nice right?
Just go ahead and update your package reference to the latest version and check it out.